Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week 3, Thing 5, Explore Flickr.

Exploring Flickr was a lot of fun. It is an amazing site with all kinds of possibilities for a photographer. I loaded a few of my pictures on, but marked them private only. At this point I just wanted to play and practive. I then looked for an interesting picture of my town and uploaded that to my blog. Thus, Santa is now a part of my blog. The process up uploading was so easy. Once I have my blog registered with Flickr it is a click away.

If I wasn't already using Facebook to share photoes with my two kids, one who is traveling all over the world and one living in Denmark who has my only two grandkids, I would suggest we do photos on Flickr. When I think of how difficult and clunky it was to share information and pictures with my mother thirty-five years ago compared to the options we have now, it makes me wish so much that the technologies had developed earlier. There are almost too many options now--it's hard to know what is best and when it all gets to be too much. I use Skype, Facebook, and email with my daughter and don't know if there is something better and more exciting out there that I am missing or if I have it fairly well covered. I do know that technology has made it possible for my grandkids to know me and be comfortable with me even though we can get together physically only twice a year.

I have viewed photo albums in Picasa that others have shared with me, but have not made an album myself. Photograhy is not a passion or even a remote interest of mine, so I guess the incentive is not there.

1 comment:

  1. One of the wonderful things about Flickr and other photo sharing sites is that when you do a creative commons search, you can find photos that you can legally use in your own projects and that you can modify (or MASH UP as it is known in Web 2.o land)

    Big Huge Labs has a lot of fun tools to use for that. FlickrStorm is a nice site for searching for creative commons (CC) photos.

