Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 6, Thing 14

I have to admit that I cannot warm up to Technorati. There is way too much information and very little of it of any interest or help to me. Everyone wants to be part of the action and the result in the blogworld is just like the internet--lots of junk mixed in with the gems. It is definitely better to search limiting to tags instead of the entire post. The hits I got then were fewer and more pertinent. I don't particularly like using the Blog Directory, either, but it is better than just a general blogosphere search. I will not be a frequent visitor to this tool. I really like the idea of the RSS feed, but will use Google Blog Search to find blogs to put on Google Reader and not Technorati.

I generally think that tags are useful and can help cut to the chase when looking for items. It does seem, however, that some folk use tags too liberally in order to get hit in more searches. Some of the sites just don't really have much more that a mention of the word I searched so were not helpful. If everyone would tag with just the really major topics it would certainly help. But overall, taging makes it better--like subject headings in a library catalog search.

1 comment:

  1. I don't use Technorati either. It is the big thing in blog searching but it doesn't work well for me. I like google blog search a lot better. Most of the blogs that I follow have been recommended through other librarians or professional reading. Even so, I have to limit my blogs otherwise, I just end up marking them read without having time to really look at them.
