Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 3, Thing 7, Anything Technology Related

I want to rave about Skype, the free computer communication tool. I mentioned that I used it in an earlier blog but didn't say just exactly how wonderful it is when you have grandchildren living across the ocean. My daughter and I talk a couple of times a week using Skype video and the difference between those conversations and the rare occasions we just speak on the phone is monumental. My grandkids are only 18 months and 3 years old and a phone conversation is not usually very effective. They listen but don't respond very well. But when we talk on Skype and they can see me the conversations are lively and very interesting. They bring toys to share, books for me to read, food for me to taste, and sing and dance for me. I got to see first steps and first teeth. And they know me when we get together so there is no fear or strangeness to get over. Skype video has truly revolutionized communication. I have also played with Skype at school a bit doing conference calling (the video does not work when there are more than two participants).


  1. I have only just started using skype in the last few months and have no idea why I didn't start using it sooner. I do wish that conference calls could use video because you lose a lot of the cues that I have gotten used to getting on Skype. (I guess this means that my mother is right and I am getting lazy if I don't want to even talk to someone unless I can see them :-)

    Communication has changed so much in the last 5 years - and it is so cool that you can have such a different relationship with your grandkids now than you could have even a few years ago. Although, tasting food long distance is still probably a few years away.


  2. Your "rave" about Skype makes me want to get on board but I'll have to go out and rent myself a couple of grandchildren first! I think it is personal motivation that gets us using any of these Web 2.0 tools and most people I have spoken to who use Skype are grandparents. What a fantastic invention! One that at one time seemed so futuristic. To think that you can actually "visit" with your grandchildren with them being an "ocean" away is absolutely incredible.

    I work with some international students in my summer job and they use Skype to stay in contact with their families in Bulgaria. From their laptops they can speak to and see their relatives which has really eased a bad case of homesickness. Again, incredible!

    I'd love to use Skype with students at school - maybe videoconferencing with students in a classroom in a far away place but I have a lot of experimenting to do myself first. Thanks for getting me thinking!
