Friday, July 17, 2009

Week 5, Thing 12, VoiceThread

I already had a Voice Thread account because we had a staff development on the use of it last fall. I went on to VoiceThread and listened to the how-to tutorial and explored some of the other tutorials. A browse search for Darth Tater did not net me anything. I did locate the VoiceThread that our art teacher did with her class--"100 people" will locate it. I saw a couple of good ideas for me to use in the library, maybe in conjunction with an English class. One was a poetry share with original poems by students. Another would be students reading a children's book that they had written. Our Spanish class does a children's book project that would probably work nicely on VoiceThread. I myself, as librarian, would love to do a Book Talk VoiceThread where students talk up their favorite books. It could be made available off my Wiki for other students to watch to get ideas for a book to read. May have to give that one a whirl this year.

1 comment:

  1. Voice thread is such a great program. I love the idea of having kids do book talks. If you end up getting kid reviews on line I would love the links.

