Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 8, Thing 18 Summary

It was definitely easier to figure out how to publish to blog on ZohoWriter, but now that I know how on GoogleDocs, it won't be a problem. I liked the image insertion on GoogleDocs better--it was easier to play around with the editing. However, they both are so similar to any word processing, particularly Word in my case, that it is amazing. I am also going to use the spreadsheet because I keep my ongoing bookorder on one and it would be so easy to add books from home then. I am quite excited about this and can't imagine why I waited so long to use it. The very next document I need to do will be on one of these programs.

1 comment:

  1. I go back and forth between Zoho and GoogleDocs, lately using GoogleDocs more. I use GoogleDocs with students all the time because it is easily accessible from the web--you are not bound to one program or another. AND it is important for students to learn how to use word processing tools--not programs--because of the variety of programs available. I've also used Google Docs as a collaborative tool with a some fellow librarians to share/edit documents. The last tech class I took in January had us in collaborative groups in which we created a project completely using Google Docs. We never met as a group outside of class. It was amazing!
    Check out this powerful video on YouTube, created using only Google Docs by all the students at Kansas State:
