Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 8, Thing 18B, Googledocs

Week 8, Thing 18B, Googledocs 

 Well, Zohowriter worked so I will give Googledocs a try.  I tried to play around with imbedding my picture within wraparound text in Zoho and could tell I needed to spend more time to find out how to do that.  I will see if I can do it with GoogleWriter.  Will look for something to insert and see how the two programs compare in ease of doint a insert.  When inserting this photo, if I chose left aligned I had the option to wrap around text.  If I chose center aligned, I did not get that option.  Am also trying the header option on this one.  Now I will try to publish.




  1. This is such a beautiful photo, did you take it or find it on a site?

  2. It was a free picture on my computer. It is nice, isn't it?
